Hear the Wind Sing

Earlier this summer, I read Hear the Wind Sing* by Haruki Murakami. At only 130 pages of main text, this book is quite short. For summer reading, anyway. But it wasn’t my summer reading. I’d finished that already.

HTWS is the first book in Murakami’s Rat trilogy, The Rat being a character in the books… the close friend of our unnamed narrator. It’s a pretty easy, fast read. And it wasn’t really widely published/distributed in English (thus the high prices on amazon.com for this super tiny book). Evidently Murakami doesn’t think of this or the second in the trilogy as his best work. Hmmm.

Oh well. I liked it anyway. And went on to read the second in the trilogy as well (I’d read the third — which was widely distributed — quite a while ago, not knowing it was part of a trilogy). So there. Oh. And you’ll be hearing about that (the second book) in this space sometime, too.