“Some Kinds of Life” 1952

a.k.a. “The Beleaguered” Fantastic Universe Oct–Nov 1953 (under pseudonym Richard Phillips)
PKD V2 (109–118)

The Terrans have built a highly advanced culture. The problem is that all the advances seem to require special materials from other worlds. The natives of these worlds often put up a fight, so there is constant war and universal conscription of men. Bob Clarke is getting called up more and more frequently. Mars. Then he does not come back. They call his son Tommy. They can no longer wait for boys to turn 18. They need the gleco from Callisto. Tommy survives but then perishes in the trektone-war on Europa, like his father died for rexeroid on Mars. So they have to start calling women. They have to fight for nymphite on Saturn. The story ends as aliens from Orion land on Earth. They are admiring the highly advanced Terran culture. But where have all the humans gone?