Richard III

Richard III. Oh, Richard. Richard, Richard.

Did you ever stop and listen to yourself? Evidently not. If you had, you would have noticed how utterly ridiculous you were being and would have stopped immediately.

You’re really up there with Iago in terms of pure evil, aren’t you? If I hadn’t known you were hunch-backed in real life, and if I hadn’t read in the introduction to this play that Shakespeare used Thomas More as a source for a lot of details about you, including the fact that, as More puts it, you were “not untoothed” when you were born, I would have thought Shakespeare made these things up so you could more epitomize evil.


Until we find more works in the Pelican Shakespeare library, I’ll be using The Riverside Shakespeare* as my Shakespeare source (unless we’re travelling, in which case I use the Project Gutenberg free Complete Shakespeare for Kindle). So don’t get upset about seeing the same picture and the same link over and over again, K?